


© Bernd Lindig


My artwork combines dramatic text foundations, conceptual art, installation, music and art in public space. The concept of performance unites all forms and influences of my artistic work. In the theater space, I am interested in breaking up the classic situation of audience and performers and creating new spaces of experience with different arrangements and settings. I also develop performances in public spaces as well as installations and happenings in other places. All forms offer the opportunity to play with the narrative power and hierarchical structures that exist in the theater and to draw a line to social power structures. At the same time, the stage space offers a protected framework for approaching utopian ideas of society.

© Monika Hermann


I have worked in different contexts with children and young people, people with a refugee background, students and people with disabilities. Whether it’s a workshop, performance coaching or seminar: it’s important to me to pass on the experiences I have made myself with performance. My work includes designing and conducting seminars and workshops. The content can be about basic first experiences with theater and performance but also about exploring specific topics artistically. I usually work with groups towards a presentation.I also offer workshops on performing in public spaces. Since the corona pandemic I have also switched some workshops to online and developed digital forms of presentation.


I am Elsa (Elisabeth Lindig) and a performance artist in Berlin. I studied theater and media studies in Erlangen and applied theater studies in Gießen. The theater and the independent theater scene is the main place where I currently work. So far, I mostly have worked in groups and, at best, in collective structures with equal rights. In most processes I am active both conceptually, as an author/dramaturge and as a performer, but sometimes I only take on one of these roles. I am a founding member of Hysterisches Globusgefühl, with whom I mainly work. In recent years, I have also created various collaborations with Armada of Arts, Enis Turan, Flinn Works, God’s Entertainment, Interrobang, Katze und Krieg and Theatrale Subversion, among others. Parallel to my artistic work, I work as a lecturer, workshop leader and production manager in various contexts. I am also very interested in cultural policy work and improving structures for artists in the independent theater scene.